





400 telephone is a value-added service for service hotline launched by three major operators of China Telecom, China Mobile and China Unicom. To provide enterprises with a unique 10-digit number in the whole country, no need to dial area code, no need to install equipment, only need to use the existing communication resources of enterprises, self-help through the number management background to bind mobile phones, landlines, relay numbers and so on. 400 telephones use the call-by-call sharing service, i.e. the call-by-call bears the local telephone access fee, and the call-by-call receipt fee. At present, it has been widely used in consulting services for pre-sale and after-sale services in many industries.
In order to facilitate your use of 400 telephone numbers, here are some tips for using 400 telephone numbers.
1.传统的固话和手机相比较于400电话有一些不足.比如固话和手机只能一个人接听电话,对于同时拨打进来的客户是处于占线状态.这样您的400号码可以在后台多绑定几个电话, 摆脱电话占线的客户流失.实现有多少客户打进来就能及时沟通.
1. The traditional fixed-line telephone has some shortcomings compared with the 400-line telephone. For example, the fixed-line telephone and the mobile phone can only answer the phone by one person, while the customers who dial in at the same time are busy. So your 400-number can bind several more phones in the background and get rid of the loss of the customers who are busy with the phone. Communicate in time.
2.400 Number can be placed on the home page of the official website of the enterprise for the customers who own the official website of the enterprise. It can not only prompt the brand image of the enterprise, but also enable the customers to trust the enterprise, facilitate communication and improve the amount of customer consultation.
3. Many customers don't know how to use the 400 phone after handling it. They usually put it on the homepage of the website. There are many ways to promote the 400 number. For example, the 400 number can be printed on the business card of the employees of the enterprise. Or the number can be printed on the product packaging, or the number can be printed on the color page of your enterprise's publicity. These will enable the number to generate the function of customer memory. Improve the utilization rate of the 400 number.
In fact, if 400-number customers do not pay more attention, it will also lead to the waste of telephone charges. Many enterprises do not have too much phone calls in the initial stage of processing, so the charges that are not used up at the expiration date are actually earned by operators. This also affects the customer's experience of using 400-number. Now the 400-number telephone industry is also changing, and the industry has changed. After transformation into a professional service industry, priority customer experience.

  1. 保定市遨游计算机服务有限公司
  2. 服务热线:400-012-6696
  3. 售前咨询:13313028229 / 0312-3229012
  4. 售后:0312-5935238 / 6791400 / 6791120
  5. 地址:保定市朝阳南大街国贸大厦8楼808室

版权保定遨游公司 推荐:济南400电话办理,青岛400电话办理,淄博400电话,枣庄400电话办理,东营400电话办理,烟台400办理,潍坊400电话办理,济宁400电话办理,泰安400办理,威海400电话申请,日照400申请,莱芜400电话申请,临沂400电话申请,德州400电话申请,聊城400电话申请,滨州400电话申请,菏泽400电话申请
